

There’s no problem so great it can’t be solved.
If it can’t be solved, it’s not a problem; it’s reality. 
Barbara Coloroso
There are no insurmountable obstacles;
there are just stronger and weaker wills, that's all!
Jules Verne 
The mind is everything. What you think you become.     


optical spectroscopy


Knowledge transfer from theoretical understanding to (non)-industrial applications.



1. Complex liquids - porous materials interactions : liquid evaporation, colloidal film hardening,
liquid absorption in porous paper;

2. Structural and compositional characterization of semiconductors' thin films using spectroscopy techniques;

3. Electrical and optical properties of amorphous layers;

4. Designing the material properties through plasma characterization during deposition





Home Poetry volum  


Stau cu umbra-mi mână-n mână
Sub un clar de lună plină -
Rezemaţi unul de altul
Contemplând cu dor neantul ...

   E o linişte adancă
   Mai c-aud clipit de stele ...
   Doar că umbra-mi se apucă
   Să se mişte-odat' cu ele

(fragment "Taifas în noapte") 



Ik zit met mijn schaduw hand in hand
Onder een heldere maan
Steunend op elkaar
Denkend over het niets

   Er is een diepe stilte
   Bijna hoor ik de sterren fonkelen ...
   Alleen mijn schaduw begint
   Met hen mee te bewegen.

(uittreksel van "Discussie in de nacht") 


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Quote of  the day

Toţi se plâng de bani,                    Everyone complains about money
Dar de minte nimeni.                     But no one about mind.      

             (proverb românesc                   Romanian proverb)